Axillary Hyperhydrosis
As tumescent liposuction specialists, we are proud to offer you the latest treatment for excessive sweating: suction curettage a variation of tumescent liposuction.
Excessive underarm sweating (axillary hyperhidrosis) can be a distressing and debilitating medical condition which usually occurs in otherwise healthy people who do not normally have significant sweating problems elsewhere.
Traditional underarm treatments often give poor results and can irritate the underarm skin causing dermatitis. Electrical modification of the sweat glands with iontophoresis can help some people but units need to be purchased and continuing treatment is required.
Recently botulinum toxin (Type A, prescription medicine) has been very effective but only lasts for 7-9 months approx and can be uncomfortable and expensive.
There is no very good traditional surgical procedure because removal (block dissection) of underarm tissues can cause severe scarring and contraction and can limit arm movement, and sympathectomies do not work well for this area even with the endoscopic transthoracic (ETS) technique.
Latest technique available at KM Surgical
The most recent advance in hyperhidrosis treatment is suction curettage of the axillary sweat glands.
The procedure uses a variation of the tumescent liposuction technique where the sweat glands can be removed by special curettes on the end of the small liposuction cannulas.
The underarm area is first prepared with lots of local anaesthetic (tumescent technique) after the sweat glands have been mapped out. The procedure is performed under light sedation and is not unpleasant. You will have dressings applied and followed up the next day.
You can expect immediate reduction in sweating and a high percentage possibly of achieving a long term and fully satisfactory reduction of sweating.