Frequently Asked Questions

At KM Surgical we take pride in looking after and caring for all our clients.  All surgical clients are given after care instructions and contact details incase of urgent advice.  

For surgical procedures you are required to attend follow up surgical consultations to progress your recovery.

Are all IPL machines the same?

No! At KM Surgical the Lumenis One ™ IPL is one of the most advanced and sophisticated medical grade devices designed to give you a safe and effective treatments with minimal side effects. It should be noted that only high grade IPL devices, such as the Lumenis One ™ under medical supervision, can treat vascular and more complex pigmented lesions.

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Is IPL hair removal better than LightSheer hair removal?

LightSheer diode hair removal is far more effective than IPL hair removal. The LightSheer laser penetrates 800nm into the skin effectively destroying the hair follicle the LightSheer was designed to treat unwanted hair. With IPL hair removal light scatters more and the energy is lost and therefore doesn't get directly delivered to the hair follicle to effectively destroy it.

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Is it sensible to have IPL treatments at a beauty therapy clinic?

Beauty therapists are not trained in the medical diagnosis of skin disorders so there is a high risk of having inappropriate and/or dangerous treatments. It is better to have a proper diagnosis and get suitable treatment options.

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Should I have a full traditional face lift or a MACS lift?

Generally a MACS-lift gives a secure and natural result and you don’t get a windswept facelift look. Because the MACS lift deals with the lower face and neck giving a vertical lift the results are very pleasing with tightening of the neck and reduction of jowls. The procedure can be done under light sedation and local anaesthetic and utilises special tissue give and cooling techniques. Surgical scars are minimal and are hidden in the hair line above and in front of the ear. Results are often best in the 40s and 50s but sometimes when skin is very loose a traditional facelift may be required.

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Should I have a 'liposuction holiday' overseas, it would be cheaper wouldn't it?

I advise all my patients against having liposuction overseas because of risks such as blood loss and needing blood transfusions. I have also seen clients with undesirable side effects from excessive fat removal with uneven results. Because we do our liposuction under local anaesthetic we do keep the costs down and they may often be even less than you can get overseas.

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Finance available!
Q MasterCard® Finance

Q MasterCard® Finance

Q MasterCard® is a credit card that gives Q Cardholders a minimum of 3 months no payments and no interest when they use their Card for purchases. KM Surgical is pleased to offer two Q MasterCard® financing options for our procedures and treatments.
Finance available!
Nova Medical Finance

Nova Medical Finance

Medical finance is available across a range of specialties including cosmetic / plastic surgery and dermatology. Nova is run by doctors and other medical professionals who work with some of New Zealand’s best specialists to help ensure the best possible outcome for our patients.
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Laser, liposuction, cosmetic medicine and surgery. KM Surgical provides specialist services in a centre of excellence at Avenue Health.
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