KM Surgical Privacy and Confidentiality - Our Policy and Procedures

KM Surgical and Avenue Health (KMS/AH) will ensure the privacy of all patients is maintained and the organisation meets its obligations pursuant to the Privacy Act 2020 and the Health Information Privacy Code 2020.



To ensure all staff and contractors of KMS/AH are aware of their legal and ethical obligations to maintain patient privacy and confidentiality.


This policy applies to all staff providing patient care and treatment at KMS/AH, and all contractors working at KMS/AH (e.g. cleaners). In this policy, where the context permits, all references to “staff” should be read as also including “contractors”.
The role of Privacy Officer for KMS/AH is undertaken by Dr Ken Macdonald.

The full Privacy and Confidentiality Document is available to download and review below:


Finance available!
Q MasterCard® Finance

Q MasterCard® Finance

Q MasterCard® is a credit card that gives Q Cardholders a minimum of 3 months no payments and no interest when they use their Card for purchases. KM Surgical is pleased to offer two Q MasterCard® financing options for our procedures and treatments.
Finance available!
Nova Medical Finance

Nova Medical Finance

Medical finance is available across a range of specialties including cosmetic / plastic surgery and dermatology. Nova is run by doctors and other medical professionals who work with some of New Zealand’s best specialists to help ensure the best possible outcome for our patients.
View KM Surgical Directory
Laser, liposuction, cosmetic medicine and surgery. KM Surgical provides specialist services in a centre of excellence at Avenue Health.
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